Conference History

XIII International Scientific Conference on Architecture and Construction 2020, журнал Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Vol. 130, 2021


  • Modeling of buildings, structures and building complexes at the stages of their construction, exploitation and progressive destruction.
  • Non-linear models of materials, buildings and structures in the design, optimization and reconstruction.
  • Materials and structures in non-stationary physical conditions under complex influences.
  • Simulation of loads and impacts on structures, buildings and their complexes. Problems of aeroelasticity and hydroelasticity.
  • Modeling of damage and destruction of structures. Mathematical models in monitoring systems of buildings and structures.
  • Research and development of numerical and numerical-analytical methods for calculating structures and buildings.
  • Information and mathematical modeling in architecture, urban planning and construction.
  • Modern software tools for the analysis and design of buildings and structures. Solvers for the problems of structural mechanics and continuum mechanics. Challenges and prospects

Working language: English

The program committee selected 200 reports (see program) for participation in the conference. The conference was attended by scientists and practitioners from the following cities of Russia: Barnaul, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Magnitogorsk, Moscow, Moore, Novosibirsk, Novocherkassk, Omsk, Perm, Rostov, St. Petersburg, Ufa, Chelyabinsk. There were representatives of foreign countries: The United Kingdom, Germany, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine.

Reports in English language were published in the «IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)» journal. All articles were indexed in Scopus database.



Chairman of the Committee: 

Travush V.I. (Russia), Academician of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Honored Builder of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full-Professor, Meritorious Scientist of the Russian Federation, Cavalier of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, Laureate of the Prize of the USSR Council of Ministers and the Prize of the RF Government.

First Deputy Chairman:

Skolubovich Yu.L. (Russia),  Professor, Doctor of Technical  Science, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Science


Sidorov V.N. (Russia),  Editor-in-Chief of International scientific journal «International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering» (IJCCSE), councillor of  the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Science, member of the Academic Council of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Science, Professor, Doctor of Technical Science

Obozny D.A. (Russia), Vice-Rector for Science and Prospective Development of Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SIBSTRIN)

Members of the Committee: Abdykalykov A.A. (Kyrgyzstan), Aloyan R.M. (Russia),Alekhin V.N. (Russia), Bayenhaev A.V. (Russia), Balzanniikov M.I. (Russia), Barabash M.S. (Ukraine), Bekker А.Т. (Russia), Belostotsky A.M. (Russia), Bobylev V.N. (Russia), Bogachev S.N. (Russia), Bogatyreva T.V. (Russia), Boldyrev А.М. (Russia), Varapaev V.N. (Russia), Vlasov V.A. (Russia), Gaidzhurov P.P. (Russia), Galishnikova V.V. (Russia), Dzhinchvelashvili G.A. (Russia), Dmitrieva T.L. (Russia), Emelyanov S.G. (Russia), Zhavoronok S.I. (Russia), Zhuk Yu.N. (Russia), Inzhutov I.S. (Russia), Kabantsev O.V. (Russia), Kaitukov Т.B. (Russia), Kalashnikov S.Yu.(Russia), Kolchunov V.I.(Russia), Kornilov T.A. (Russia), Kositsyn S.B. (Russia), Krylov S.B. (Russia), Kupriyanov V.N. (Russia), Lalin V.V. (Russia), Miheev D.V.(Russia), Molodin V.V.(Russia), Morozov V.I. (Russia), Nikitina N.S.(Russia), Noskov A.S. (Russia), Panibratov Yu.P. (Russia), Petrov A.N. (Russia), Potapov A.N. (Russia), Pshenichkina V.A. (Russia), Rakovsky V.I. (Russia), Rybnov E.I. (Russia), Semenov V.A. (Russia), Suprun A.N. (Russia), Tabunschikov Yu.M. (Russia), Telichenko.V.I. (Russia), Chentemirov G.M. (Russia), Chernyshov Е.М. (Russia), Shumkova M.N. (Russia), Jan Celko (Slovakia), Jacek Grosel (Poland), Christian Koch (Germany), Jerzy Hola (Poland), Konstantin Khenokh (USA), Michal Krzeminski (Poland), Jerzy Zbigniew Piotrowski (Poland), Josef Vican (Slovakia), Artur Zbiciak (Poland)

Rector of NSACEU (Sibstrin) Yuriy Leonidovich Skolubovich, Dr. Tech. Sc., Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building  Sciences

Dear colleagues!

Let me congratulate you, as participants of the VII International Symposium VII International Symposium «Actual Problems of Computational Simulation in Civil Engineering (APCSCE 2018)” which takes place on the site of our university.

Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sibstrin) is a leading higher educational institution of Siberia, with rich history and traditions, strong scientific and educational potential and extensive experience in training specialists for the construction industry. We always try to keep up with the time, and sometimes to be ahead of it.

The directions of the VII International Symposium «Actual Problems of Computational Simulation in Civil Engineering (APCSCE 2018)» are a priority both for the Russian construction industry and for our university. Therefore, the successful solution of the tasks set by the conference will in many respects determine the qualitative development of the construction complex of the Siberian region and the country and enrich all participants with valuable experience and advanced knowledge.

I wish you success, interesting work and effective cooperation!




The program of the symposium includes:

  • Plenary and section reports, as well as poster presentations, which can be displayed and presented during the days of the symposium;
  • «Round tables» for discussion of actual problems and achievements in the field of computational simulation in civil engineering in terms of computer modeling methodology in technical standardization in construction;
  • Reports on the experience of using modern methods and tools of mathematical and computer modeling in the design and justifying calculations of unique buildings, structures and complexes;
  • Master classes on the use of software products of leading domestic and world developers of computer modeling systems for buildings, structures and complexes;
  • Meeting of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAASN) «Software in Construction and Architecture»;
  • Roundtable discussion on the improvement and development of the technical regulation system in construction.